All beatific visions, really, but exactly how do any of them apply to the gray-skied, brown grassed and hard-ground filled times of winter? Easy. It’s called preventative maintenance.
During the winter, there are ways to maintain your green lifestyle so you can more readily walk through your lush lawn and pick from your organic veggie garden come spring.
Here’s how:
Keep Your Eye on the Prize
When the winter cold gushes in leaving you indoors much more than out, more apt to be holding a cup of hot tea than your hoe or shovel, it’s still important to remember that your garden needs you to be green-minded.
If you have never had a compost pile before, then there’s no time like the present to begin one, freezing temperatures, snow and all. Indoor worm composting is a great way to create that dark brown, nutrient-rich soil your vegetables and fruits will thrive in. Contact us to learn more about indoor composting or see our products page for some indoor bin ideas. Don’t forget our Super Red Wiggler Worms, because indoor composting is only done with these little wrigglers. Your diligence will pay off come warm weather when your garden is hearty and bountiful.
ReDuce, ReUse, ReCycle?
Yup – Still Relevant in Winter
The winter months can lead to increased gas or oil usage for home heating, a fact that is tied to our extended fossil-fuel consumption as well as increased costs of living. In lieu of cranking up the heat when the wind starts to blow, try on that new sweater you got for the holidays or throw some blankets around to be grabbed during tv time. You can keep your heat lower and still be snuggly warm.
Continue recycling as usual and if possible, reuse paper plates and cups. Freezing water pipes can be a real issue during the cold winter months in some regions and paper and plastic consumption tends to rise. Reuse what you can and try to be mindful that each plate and cup is a little more of our natural resources being stripped away.
Like a Rolling Stone…
Continuing on with our plagiarized and clichéd headers, we know that idea of transportation during the winter can be a chore, too. However, there is no better time than winter to start that car pool you and your neighbor have chatted about over the fence for the last year or so. Reducing gas usage and wear and tear on your respective vehicles are great reasons to get to know your neighbor a little better. The clincher, in my opinion, is the 50% reduction in dealing with people on the road during your commute that panic over a dusting of snow and go ten miles and hour for four miles while you fret behind them. Grab your java, call shotgun, and snooze into the office.